
Recipe for Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding Is Delectably Southern

This recipe for Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding is the perfect dessert to make if you’re looking for something that captures the sweet, comforting flavors of the South. We’re here to walk you through the process of making a delicious banana pudding that will have your taste buds dancing with joy. This traditional Southern treat is a timeless favorite. Regardless of your level of experience in the kitchen, our detailed instructions and practical advice will enable you to master this delicious dish. Now let’s explore the world of Southern comfort food and try this Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding, which will tantalize your taste buds!

Ingredients Required

Let’s look at the main components you’ll need before we get into the specifics of our delicious Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding recipe:

  • Six to eight ripe bananas: Pick ones that are beginning to show some spots for the ideal ratio of flavor to sweetness.
  • Two cups whole milk: To make a rich, creamy pudding.
  • One can (fourteen ounces) of condensed milk that has been sweetened: To give your pudding a little sweetness.
  • One box of Jackson Vanilla Wafers: For a true-to-life flavor, use these wafers.
  • To make homemade whipped cream, use two cups of heavy cream.
  • 1/4 cup of powdered sugar: For the topping of the whipped cream and additional sweetness.
  • Four large eggs: For the custardy texture of the pudding.
  • For a hit of authentic vanilla flavor, use two teaspoons of vanilla extract.

Step-by-step instruction

Let’s get started on the step-by-step instructions for making Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding now that you have your ingredients ready.

1. Get the custard ready:

Mix one can of sweetened condensed milk and two cups of whole milk in a medium-sized saucepan.Heat the mixture in the saucepan over medium heat until it is steaming but not boiling. Stir from time to time to avoid burning.

Jackson vanilla wafers banana pudding

2.Beat the Omelets:

In a separate bowl, whisk together 4 large eggs until well combined while the milk mixture is heating.To prevent curdling, slowly pour the heated milk mixture into the whisked eggs while whisking continuously.

3.Preheat the custard:

Refill the saucepan with the combined mixture and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. This ought to take ten to fifteen minutes.After taking the custard off the stove, whisk in two teaspoons of vanilla extract. Allow to cool.

4.Beat the Yogurt:

Beat two cups heavy cream in a different bowl until soft peaks form.Whip in the 1/4 cup of granulated sugar gradually until stiff peaks form.

5.Put the Pudding Together:

Starting at the bottom of a serving dish or individual dessert cups, layer vanilla wafers.After slicing, arrange the ripe bananas on top of the wafers.Cover the bananas with half of the custard.Add another layer of wafers, bananas, and custard and repeat the process.Lastly, place the recently whipped cream on top of the pudding.

6. Cool and Present:

For optimal flavor, cover and refrigerate your Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding for at least 4 hours, or overnight.Garnish with extra vanilla wafers and banana slices when ready to serve.

Why This Recipe Is Unique:

There are several important reasons why our Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding recipe is unique. The dessert is elevated by the use of Jackson Vanilla Wafers, which have a unique and delectable flavor. Second, the harmony of flavors and textures produced by the marriage of fresh bananas, homemade custard, and sweet whipped cream is simply divine.

Variations and Advice:

 Although our recipe follows custom, you are welcome to add your own unique touch to this beloved Southern dish. To add more taste and texture, some variations include adding a sprinkle of crushed nuts or a drizzle of caramel sauce. In addition, you can make the custard from scratch or use an instant pudding mix if you’re pressed for time.

Food Worth:

A delicious Southern dessert with a blend of flavors, textures, and nutrients is Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding. Let’s examine each of the main ingredients and the benefits and drawbacks they have in order to better understand its nutritional value:

The Banana


abundant in vital minerals and vitamins, especially potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.Assist with satiety and digestive health by including dietary fiber.The pudding’s overall flavor is enhanced by its natural sweetness, which eliminates the need for excessive added sugar.


Although nutrient-dense, bananas have a high calorie content, so if you’re watching your intake, it’s crucial to manage portion sizes.

Whole Milk:


a healthy supply of calcium, which is necessary for strong teeth and bones.

supplies the vital proteins and fats required for good health.

adds to the pudding’s richness and creamy texture.


Rich in saturated fat, which can be harmful to heart health if ingested in excess.Not recommended for people who are intolerant to lactose.

Advantages of Sweetened Condensed Milk:

gives the pudding more sweetness and a thick, creamy texture.a practical addition to recipes calling for desserts.


Rich in added sugars, which can cause dental and other health problems as well as weight gain.Offers minimal nutritional value beyond calories.

Vanilla Wafers:


Sweet and crispy, giving the dessert a lovely texture.include modest amounts of carbohydrates and protein to provide a rapid energy boost.


Like many cookies, vanilla wafers contain a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates, which, when consumed in excess, can cause weight gain and blood sugar spikes.

Thick Cream:


gives the whipped cream topping a rich, velvety texture.provides a source of some vitamins and good fats.


high in saturated fat, so limiting intake is essential to prevent negative heart health effects.incredibly high in calories, which, if consumed in excess, may cause weight gain.


Fantastic source of premium protein.
Packed with vital vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, including choline, vitamin B12, and vitamin D.
Even though they are incredibly nutrient-dense, eggs can contain dietary cholesterol, which may be problematic for people who already have high cholesterol.

Grated Sugar:

improves the whipped cream’s flavor and sweetness.offers a rapid energy source.
Too much sugar intake has been connected to a number of health concerns, such as diabetes, obesity, and dental problems.

Extract from vanilla:

confers a unique and agreeable taste to the whipped cream and custard.
contains antioxidants that may be beneficial to health.
Usually taken in small doses, so there aren’t many health advantages.

All things considered, Jackson Vanilla Wafers Banana Pudding is unquestionably a rich and decadent dessert, but it should only be consumed occasionally. The tasty flavors, the use of fresh bananas, and the possible nutritional advantages of some ingredients are the dessert’s strong points. On the other hand, the main drawbacks are related to the high levels of sugar and saturated fat present in some of the ingredients, which may be harmful in excess. Like with any dessert, you should balance it with a nutritious, well-rounded diet and enjoy it occasionally to make sure your needs are met overall.Read more..


Most frequent questions and answers

Ideally, ripe bananas with a few brown spots are best for sweetness and flavor. Overly ripe bananas may turn mushy, so aim for a balance.

You can use alternatives like low-fat milk or unsweetened almond milk, but keep in mind that it might affect the overall richness of the pudding.

Cover it and refrigerate for up to 2-3 days. However, for the best taste and texture, it’s recommended to consume it within the first day or two.

Cover it and refrigerate for up to 2-3 days. However, for the best taste and texture, it’s recommended to consume it within the first day or two.

Yes, you can prepare it a day ahead and refrigerate it overnight. Just add the whipped cream and garnish before serving.

You can reduce the sugar slightly in the custard and whipped cream, but remember it can affect the overall taste and texture.

Yes, there are eggless custard recipes available. You can also use store-bought eggless custard or pudding mix.

Some brands offer gluten-free vanilla wafer cookies, which can be used as a substitute.

Absolutely, you can adjust the ingredient quantities to make a smaller batch based on your needs.

Adding a stabilizer like cornstarch or gelatin can help the whipped cream hold its shape longer.

You can use low-fat or sugar-free versions of some ingredients, but be aware that it may affect the final taste and texture of the dessert.

You can reduce the sugar slightly in the custard and whipped cream, but remember it can affect the overall taste and texture.

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